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(852) 2394 4003


Trust Plastic Conduit Adaptors

Availability: In stock

Quick Overview

Safety standard complied to BS 4607


Product Code Items Size
TC-PCS20 Plastic Coupler with Bush Ø20mm
TC-PCS25 Ø25mm
TC-PCS32 Ø32mm
TC-PCD20 Plastic Coupler with Double Bush Ø20mm
TC-PCD25 Ø25mm
TC-PCD32 Ø32mm
TC-PCO20 Plastic Coupler Ø20mm
TC-PCO25 Ø25mm
TC-PCO32 Ø32mm
TC-PAB20 Plastic Adaptor with Bush Ø20mm
TC-PAB25 Ø25mm
TC-PAB32 Ø32mm